Multinational survey
Aspiring Drivers Weigh Automotive Revolution
Elegant E-Learning surveys 200,000 of its visitors in four countries (Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US) about their views on electric and self-driving cars.
Multinational survey
Elegant E-Learning surveys 200,000 of its visitors in four countries (Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US) about their views on electric and self-driving cars.
In March and early April 2017, we surveyed over 200,000 visitors to Elegant E-Learning’s websites in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US. Visitors surveyed ranged in age from children under 13 to seniors 65 years of age and older.
157,485 respondents
15,307 respondents
20,846 respondents
9,498 respondents
For the purposes of this study, we adopted the definition of "Millennial" to be age 13-35, based on this article .
Elegant E-Learning has tried to find out what its own users—aspiring drivers studying for their knowledge tests—think of electric and self-driving cars. Are they eagerly looking forward to driving such advanced machines?
Would you consider purchasing an electric vehicle over a comparably priced gas-powered vehicle?
On a scale from 0 to 10, how concerned would you be about riding in a self-driving car? (0 = not at all concerned; 10 = extremely concerned)
On a scale from 0 to 10, will the benefits of self-driving vehicles outweigh their risks and costs? (0 = impossible; 10 = definitely)
Which of the following manufacturers do you think will sell the most electric vehicles and self-driving vehicles in the next ten years? (Chevrolet, Ford, Honda, Tesla, Toyota, and Other or None)
US respondents were the most opposed to purchasing electric cars, voting two to one against the idea.
Fair Use Statement: We grant permission to use the materials found on this page freely. When doing so, we ask that you kindly attribute the creators by linking to where the survey was conducted.
UK respondents expected that Ford and Toyota would be the most successful manufacturers of electric and self-driving cars.
Fair Use Statement: We grant permission to use the materials found on this page freely. When doing so, we ask that you kindly attribute the creators by linking to where the survey was conducted.
Tesla was clearly the favorite manufacturer of electric and self-driving cars.
Fair Use Statement: We grant permission to use the materials found on this page freely. When doing so, we ask that you kindly attribute the creators by linking to and where the survey was conducted.
By a slim margin, AU respondents were the most positive about the future of self-driving vehicles.
Fair Use Statement: We grant permission to use the materials found on this page freely. When doing so, we ask that you kindly attribute the creators by linking to where the survey was conducted.
Strong majorities of AU, CA, UK, and US respondents, including majorities in every age group, stated that they would not consider purchasing an electric car over a comparably priced gasoline-powered vehicle.
There were strong opinions in both directions. A plurality of AU, CA, and US respondents stated that they would be very concerned.
Among CA, UK, and US respondents, those who answered affirmatively were outnumbered by those who disagreed.
Pluralities of respondents in CA and the US expected Tesla to be the industry leader in electric cars and self-driving cars. A plurality of AU respondents preferred Toyota. In the UK, Ford and Toyota were tied as the favorites. Tesla tended to be more popular with younger respondents and Toyota with older respondents.